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Year R

Welcome to Year R
Academic Year 2023-24

 Class Teacher is Mrs Diane Tizzard

Class Topic Plans - Summer Terms 2024


There is one spacious Reception classroom and a fantastic outdoor area. The outdoor area is shared with the Nursery. In Reception we operate an open door policy; this means that the children can access activities inside and outside the classroom throughout the day.

The adults within the classroom interact alongside the children scaffolding their learning based on the children’s interests and ideas.

In our classroom we have a home corner, a quiet area, an investigation area, a creative area, a writing bench as well as a maths area. There are opportunities for a full range of activities.
The outdoors is full of learning experiences where we can dig in the digging area, make castles in the sand, play with soap bubbles in the water, climb and run on the mound and through the willow tunnel, ride bikes, trikes and scooters, share a book with a friend and always have lots of fun!

We love to learn through self-chosen play based activities in a calm, secure environment. Our aim is for our children to be active, motivated and independent learners.



EYFS - Useful Websites


Nrich  EYFS Home Page (

Family Maths Toolkit  Advice for Families | Family Maths Toolkit

Topmarks (has some great games) Early Years Maths - Topmarks Search

BBC -  Early years resources for learning at home - BBC Bitesize

White Rose Maths are also an incredibly useful foundation.  We will follow their schemes for home learning some weeks, but you can access their resources any time here:


We have learnt all the single sounds and some diagraphs (two letter sounds). When using ‘Phonics Play’ or other phonic websites please focus on the Phase 2 games. As the phases do not relate to our ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics scheme there may be some sounds the children are unfamiliar with.

Also during school closure, are offering free parent access using:-

User name: march20
Password: home

The Oxford Owl website has free ebooks which follow our Read Write Inc scheme.  This will allow you to 'change' your child's reading book!  Please ask Mrs Gale for login and password.


Outdoor Learning

General Ideas



Website by ib3
