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Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

Bishops Down Primary School is committed to removing barriers to achievement for children who may require additional provision and resources to support their learning and/ or emotional development.

We are an inclusive school and believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and/or a disability, have a common entitlement to a broad, balanced academic and social curriculum. The curriculum should be accessible and include every child in all aspects of school life.

The school has a designated mainstream specialist provision (SRP) for children with physical disabilities and complex medical needs. We currently have 3 care suites and a Therapy Room.  The school is fully accessible throughout and as an inclusive school we ensure that all children are catered for within the whole school community, with access to all areas of the curriculum, including breakfast and after school clubs (Beehive).  Please click here to read our SRP booklet.

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice lies at the heart of our school’s SEND strategy and sets out the processes and procedures that all organisations should follow to meet the needs of children. The Code describes a graduated approach that recognises that children learn in different ways and can have different kinds of SEND.

We work hard as a community ensuring a whole school ethos of inclusion where:

  • All children are actively involved in all activities throughout the day.
  • Time out of the class away from peers is minimised.
  • Equipment and strategies are adapted to ensure equal accessibility to all.
  • Discrete adult support is given to promote independence, appropriate socialisation and to avoid learnt dependency.
  • Opportunities are continually explored for all children to have a voice, shine and experience a creative and fun curriculum.

Our school values run through our inclusive practice and are key to how we support the children in school:

Achievement - in personal goals and academic attainment
Self-belief - to be confident in different situations
Perseverance - to be resilient in times of change
Independence - to be a life- long learner
Respect - for each other and the world around them
Equality - for all

The SENCo at Bishops Down Primary & Nursery School is Collette Rainbow.   Our SRP (Special Resource Provision) Lead Teacher is Emily Lightbody.   Both lead a dedicated team of inclusion staff who support all children with additional needs, including a team of highly trained Teaching Assistants.

You can contact the SEND Department by contacting the School Office on 01892 520 114 or via email, and marking it for the attention of Collette Rainbow or Emily Lightbodyt.

KCC's SEND Strategy

Useful Information:

Send Policy and Report

Accessibility Plan

SEND Flow Chart for Pupils (attachment to above SEND Information Report)

Equality Policy

Mainstream Core Standards guide for parents ( This guide is for parents and carers. It explains the purpose of the Mainstream Core Standards (a guide that schools use) and provides a summary of the guidance given to schools by the Local Area (Education, Local Authority and Health) about how they can make sure that they are doing everything they can to meet the needs of their pupils with SEND.

Special educational needs mainstream core standards (  This is the document we use as a school to help support children with additional needs.

Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School Core Offer:

 At Bishops Down Primary & Nursery School we strive to support all children with a range of needs.The following documents explain the different forms  of support we are able to offer in the four main areas of need.

Communication and Interaction

Cognition and Learning

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Physical and/or Sensory



SEND Support Pages:                                                                    


Communication & Interaction

Cognition & Learning

Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH)

Physical & Sensory







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