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Welcome to Bishops Down Primary & Nursery School

Watch our 50th anniversary school video on YouTube


‘Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow’

Our vision is that Bishops Down will be:
A community which develops life-long learners who are confident to flourish in an ever changing world.  
The aim at Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. Bishops Down strives to grow leaders of the future who have a strong moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding. 
Our curriculum will be underpinned by the school’s curriculum intent as well as our school values (Achievement, Self-Belief, Perseverance, Independence, Resilience and Equality – ASPIRE).
Achievement in personal goals and academic attainment
Self-belief, to be confident in different situations
Perseverance, to be resilient in times of change
Independence, to be a life- long learner
Respect for each other and the world around them
Equality for all

Term 6, 2024

Sports Day

We had some sunshine on 10th July to help us have a wonderful afternoon for our Sports Day! The children were very excited and everyone had a lovely time.  Our thanks to the PSA for supporting the school with yummy ice lollies for all the children and a refreshment stall for the adults which included delicious strawberries and cream!  Thanks also to all the staff for making the day work so well.  Finally, congratulations goes to Derwent House (blue house) for winning the sports trophy 2024 - well done!

Nursery Cake Sale

Well done Nursery parents for a very successful cake sale on Monday, 8th July.  You raised over £150 for your class. Amazing!


Year 6 Residential

Our Year 6 children had a wonderful time on their residential trip to Essex Outdoor, Mersea. Our thanks to Miss Barker, Mrs Gardner, Mrs Wood-Lynch & Mrs Ahmed for their support.

Term 5, 2024

Picnic in the Sunshine

Children in our nursery class enjoyed a well earned picnic on the last day of term 5.


Victorian Day - Year 1

The children very much enjoyed their Victorian Day during the last week of term. Thank you very much to parents for sending your children in wearing their costumes. They all looked fantastic.

Tag Rugby Tournament

Year 5 and Year 4 represented the school at the Tunbridge Wells Tag Rugby tournament on Tuesday, 21st May at Tonbridge Juddians.  Well done to both teams and your competitive spirit.

Vet Visit to Reception Class

In April we welcomed Becky Holyhead into reception. The children listened to Becky talk about her job as a vet. They enjoyed using the resources to experience being a vet. They undid the stitches on the toy dog to investigate what was inside, used a stethoscope to listen to their hearts and worked together to apply bandages to each other. Thank you Becky.

Term 4, 2024

Year 4 Trip to London

On Tuesday, 19th March year 4 were in London on a school trip with the Thames Explorer Trust as part of their work in geography.  They had a great time learning and exploring. Thanks to Mr Milne, their class teacher, for organising a wonderful trip and to all the parent volunteers who helped on the day.

Charity Run for School Books                                                               

On 21st April 2024 Mrs Parks, year 2 class teacher, will be running the London marathon and  fundraising to buy class reading books for our children at  Bishops Down. She hopes to raise as much money as possible so that we can buy lots of different books for all our children.

If you would like to sponsor Mrs Parks all donations would be greatly appreciated. Please see below for the link to the JustGiving page.

Crowdfunding to buy new class reading books. on JustGiving

Mrs Parks, thanks you so much in advance,

Word Book Day

The school is full of children dressed as their favourite book characters! Staff too!  A special parade assembly was held this morning where we could all clap and cheer everyone's efforts.  Then teachers and staff chose their two best dressed from each class.   Don't they look amazing.  There could only be one winner and that was Mabel from Year 4 who dressed as Silvi from The Girl Who Lost a Leopard and she was awarded a certificate by Mrs Lightbody and a book voucher from the PSA - well done to everyone!

The Pirates Go On Holiday

Continuing with our celebrations for World Book Week we were delighted to welcome on Wednesday, 6th March,  students specialising in Technical theatre, from North Kent College.   They entertained years 2, 3 and 4 with their production of ‘The Pirates Go On Holiday’.   It was very funny and very well received by all the children.   Our gratitude to all involved in this touring production and our thanks for choosing Bishops Down.  Please do come back next year!

Visit from Author, Alex Brooks

On Tuesday, 5th March and to celebrate World Book Week,  Alex Brooks, author of Why, Oh Why, Am I Crocodile? and Insect, Bugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll visited Bishops Down spending time reading with our Nursery class, Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2.   The children were thrilled to have her visit and were so engaged with a REAL author reading to them!  Alex’s rhyming books have vibrant illustrations and all carry important messages for children to learn from.   Alex Brooks Author, Why, oh why, am I a crocodile?, Insects, Bugs & Rock n Roll | kids crocodile book

Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine

On Monday, 4th March we welcomed Shooting Stars Theatre Company to Bishops Down. They entertained our children with their performance of "Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine".

Shooting Stars have been working alongside the NHS, touring schools in Kent with their funny show which taught the children about the five key points that empower them to develop strong minds and nurture positive self-esteem.

All the children really enjoyed the show, the content was well received and a good time had by all.


Term 3, 2024

Wear What you Love

The PSA had a fundraiser on the last day of term called "Wear What you Love".  Children were able to come to school in their own clothes (anything and everything was acceptable!")  to help fundraise for the school.  Thanks PSA.


All in Club

All in Club celebrated with a treat to Temper Temper in Tunbridge Wells on the last day of term 3.  Chocolate making seems very popular with this young crowd!  Our thanks to our staff who ensure this club continues to thrive.

SEND and Social Support Festival

On Tuesday, 23rd January, selected children from Bishops Down attended the SEND and Social Support Festival at Tonbridge School Sports Centre.  The event was a fabulous opportunity for the children to represent the school and supports children to develop their social interaction skills, coordination and physical abilities, problem solving and team work in a fun environment.  The children had a great time and were "buzzing" when they came back to school.  Well done team! 


Spring Terms 3 & 4, are full of great Class Topics for the children to engage in, including:  Marvellous Machines, Big City, Coastlines, Rocks & Relics, Winding River & Misty Mountain, Sow, Grow & Farm and Frozen Kingdom.   We are awaiting great displays from each class and hearing all about these wonderful topics.

We welcome new children in our Nursery School and some In Year Admissions too.  

Term 2 - 2023

Christmas Performances

Well done to all the children, from all our classes, for their memorable Christmas Performances.  Parents and family were entertained and you all did such a wonderful job. 

Merry Christmas to all our children, their families, staff and stakeholders.  See you in 2024!!


Cooking Club

All the children involved in our new Cooking Club have been learning new skills.   Top of the list for yummyness this term has to go the their delicious brownies - the aroma around the school made us all hungry!

Term 2 is such an exciting term - lots of end of term productions, PSA Fair, Christmas Dinner day, Christmas Jumper day!   Children are now in their winter uniforms and, as expected, coats and gloves are now a must!   We are all looking forward to the festivities which are just around the corner.   End of term is Friday, 15th December.

Term 1 - 2023

Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium

On Wednesday 11th October year 2 and year 5 were visited by the Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium!  This was a fantastic immersive experience for the children which supported their topic learning of notable events in history and the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong.  The children stepped inside the giant mobile dome and learnt all about human exploration to the moon, space history and notable events. It was a fantastic impactful experience which nurtured their curiosity.     


Trinity Theatre Ceremony

Last summer term, Trinity Theatre came in to our school and led a workshop, that the current year 4 students took part in. The theme was 'our older generation'.

On Wednesday Mrs Williams and two children, as representatives from Year 4, went to the ribbon cutting ceremony in the town centre. 

They said "I really enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures, especially mine!" and "I really loved the ribbon cutting and the photos being taken with the other special guests".

This celebration of local school children's artwork, is now displayed on the hoardings opposite Trinity Theatre. 



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